RNA制御学分野 | 東京大学医科学研究所基礎医科学部門



プログラムが公開されました/The Program is now available

ポスター番号は以下のリンクからご確認いただけます/ Details of the poster number is available from the following link


Ribosome meeting 2024 in Japanのご案内


日程/Date:2024年12月2−4日 / December 2nd to 4th 2024

開催場所/Venue:東京大学医科学研究所講堂 / Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo Auditorium

世話人/Organizer:稲田利文/Toshifumi INADA



プログラム/Program : Program.pdf

受付/Reception: 9:00~

基本情報/General Information : GeneralInformation.pdf

マップ/Campus and floor map : Map.pdf

昼食のご案内/About the lunch spots: LunchMap

参加費/Participation Fee:無料/ Free

懇談会費/Banquet fee:12月3日 18:30~20:00 / December 3rd 18:30~20:00




演題登録期間/Abstract submission:9月1日 – 11月10日 / September 1st – November 10th

Registration for poster presentation is closed. Thank you for your registration.
We have a poster award for the most excellent presentation.

ポスター作成の詳細については、以下のリンクをご覧ください/Please check the following link for details about the Poster Presentation

ポスター発表について/About the Poster Presentation


参加登録期間/Registration:9月1日 – 11月15日 / September 1st – November 15th

Registration is closed. Thank you for your registration. 


参加・演題登録は以下のリンクからお願いいたします/ Registration and abstract submission are at the following link 

参加・演題登録/Registration and abstract submission


招待講演者/Invited Speakers

Keynote speakers

Rachel Green (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)

Roland Beckmann (Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)

Tsutomu Suzuki (The University of Tokyo)


Confirmed speakers

Akinobu Matsumoto (Nagoya University)

Allen Buskirk (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine)

Axel Innis(INSERM)

Chunghun Lim(KAIST)

Fan-Yan Wei (Tohoku University)

Hideki Taguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Hiraku Takada(Toyama Prefectural University)

Hirohide Saito (The University of Tokyo)

Hirotaka Toh (RIKEN)

Hisae Kadowaki (Miyazaki University)

Jingdong Cheng (Institute of Biomedical Sciences Fudan University)

Kozo Tomita (The University of Tokyo)

Lyudmila Dimitrova-Paternoga (Richter – Helm BioLogics)

Masahiro Morita (University of Texas)

Masanori Yoshinaga(Kyoto  University )

Motomasa Tanaka (RIKEN)

Nono Tomita (The University of Tokyo)

Rashmi Dash (Coban lab)

Ross D Hannan(ANU College of Health & Medicine)

Sergej Djuranovic (Washington University School of Medicine)

Seung-Jae Lee(KAIST)

Shinobu Chiba (Kyoto Sangyo University)

Shintaro Iwasaki (RIKEN)

Simon Bekker-Jensen (University of Copenhagen)

Slavica Pavlovic-Djuranovic(Washington University School of Medicine)

Takeshi Annoura (National Institute of Infectious Diseases)

Takeshi Yokoyama (Tohoku University)

Takuhiro Ito (RIKEN)

Thomas Becker(Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich)

Toru Fujiwara(The University of Tokyo)

Toshinobu Fujiwara (Kindai University)

Vasili Hauryliuk (Lund University)

Yuichiro Mishima (Kyoto Sangyo University)

Yuzuru Itoh (The University of Tokyo)






〒108-8639 東京都港区白金台4丁目6−1

Division of RNA and Gene Regulation

The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo

4-6-1, Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8639, Japan

Copyright © Division of RNA and Gene Regulation